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Marzhauser MTM-MR manual measuring stages
Marzhauser MTM-MR manual  measuring stages

Product Code: EKMTM-MRMARZ

MTM-MR-Series These measuring stages have been especially developed in a 3-plate design for application in upright microscopes.
When the measuring length is more than 100 mm it uses a patented coarse adjustment and fine adjustment.
The MR measuring system, developed by Märzhäuser especially for this purpose, guarantees high-precision measurement. The exact determination of position in max. four measuring axes is carried out by the digital readout unit PROFILER SCD.
MTM 105 x 105 MR Travel ranges: transmitted light: 105 x 105 mm reflected light: 105 x 85 mm incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD
■with integrated MR measuring system
 ■for reflected and transmitted light applications
■incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD MTM
150 x 150 MR measuring range: 
150 x 150 mm incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD     PDF
150 x 150 MR for Leica stand measuring range 150 x 150 mm incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD
MTM 200 x 200 MR Measuring range 200 x 200 mm incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD MTM
300 x 300 MR Measuring range 300 x 300 mm incl. digital readout unit PROFILER SCD

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